Hi Allison. What you wrote below is not true:
If you are looking to play around with pre-installed data sets, and therefore don’t need to access the spark session, you can get started with the following two lines:import sparknlp
sparknlp.start()In my case, I need the SparkSession to load my data from the parquet file, so I’ll add .config(“spark.jars.packages”, “com.johnsnowlabs.nlp:spark-nlp_2.11:2.3.5”) to my SparkSession.builder
sparknlp.start() already returns a Spark session with the packages loaded. So you can just write spark = sparknlp.start() and then it will be same as what session builder does. Actually, Spark NLP already does that on the backend.
For more article about Spark NLP, you may check these